Through 1-on-1 and group coaching, I work with clients to create authenticity, and connection and uncover true and authentic alignment and purpose.
I started my business as a portrait photographer. I specialised in taking photos of women in business to use on their websites and social media. My photo shoots would start with me asking 'who are you and what do you want your audience to know about you?' So many women struggled to answer this question. That's when the deep dive into the overlap between self-development and branding began.
The link between a woman's career success and her ability to promote herself is real. But for many reasons (aka the patriarchy, capitalism) we aren't very good at it. By building confidence and skill in self-promotion, women can become more visible.

It's a business, but for impact
I dream of a world where women are confident in their enoughness, are in touch with their personal truth, and are connected with their authentic voice.
The journey to develop and share a brand is a powerful channel for self-development. This process can increase your confidence, alignment within yourself, and greater fulfillment in life. It also gives you a platform to become more visible at work. Greater visibility leads to better representation, and to career success, breaking-down workplace biases.
5% of profits from all packages on offer from Renee Shea are donated to Ethni. Ethni provide safe and empowering spaces for young women to learn, grow, connect and thrive. By booking with me you are also contributing to ongoing development of my Rise Academy programs. Supporting refugee and migrant women to gain financially and professionally fulfilling futures.

What is valued around here

Other random facts about me
→ I am a total colour addict. Seriously, I've had people comment that I may have trouble re-selling my home because it's a cacophony of colour. I think about emotions in terms of colours, dress according to how I want to feel, choose wine bottles by the colour of their labels and named my caravan Rainbow. See below.
→ I have a 1968 fibreglass caravan named Rainbow. I am slowly renovating it, and in the meantime having loads of adventures with the kids. You can take a look over at @rainbowthevan
→ I have a black belt in Tae Kwon Do. Love watching UFC and enjoy a bit of NRL. BUT, video games with guns are banned in my house.
→ I am a single Mumma to two kiddos who are amazing. Seriously. They are cuter than your kids. For sure.
→ In high school, I was voted 'girl most likely to now know what she wanted to do with her life'. Can't lie. Probably still stands. I know what I want to achieve - but how the heck I get there... that is still up for discussion.
→ My favourite crystal is Rose Quartz. Favourite colour is a toss-up between blue and yellow. Though, both the kids are named after shades of blue, so I tell them 'blue'.
→ I abhor any type of bigotry or intolerance. Racism, sexism and homophobia are up there as my big three.
→ I believe that we all have a desire to make the world a better place. We might lose touch with this part of ourselves, but we are better people when we work for a cause bigger than ourselves.
→ I am here for my sisters.